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Doctor Relocation Specialist
Discovering that an offer on the home of your dreams has been accepted is the most exciting part of homeownership, especially for first-time homebuyers. After viewing any number of homes and going through all of the steps to get approved and secure your loan, by the time you’re ready to close the finish line is...
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For doctors and other medical professionals, relocating for work is a time filled with countless transitions, a new city, oftentimes a new state, a new professional environment, and so many new faces. While all of the newness can be exhilarating, it can also be stressful. Doctors are extremely busy as it is, and adding a...
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It is not common for physicians to choose to relocate to a new city or state. Sometimes the reasons are personal, and other times it may be because you are in pursuit of new opportunities or because you want to start anew with fresh scenery. Regardless of the reason for your move, you should be...
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Relocation assistance in the form of reimbursement is standard protocol for physicians relocating from one city or state to another to a specific job. The amount a physician will be reimbursed tends to vary from one position to the next, depending on the cost of living, the location of the workplace, and the budget of...
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Physician Relocation Checklist
Relocating for a new job is accompanied by so many transitions and changes. While exciting, relocating can also become overwhelming, especially if you aren’t prepared or don’t know what to expect. Luckily, there are several measures you can take to make the process of relocating as streamlined and smooth as possible. When you set aside...
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